Every time i open the “csgo mobile server.exe” app it always says “Windows cannot find, ‘C:\users\alex\appdata\local\temp\temp1_CSGO-Mobile-Server-v1.zip\CSGO Mobile Server.exe’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
one thing I just want to check is: does this get past VAC? Because, although it isn’t cheating, VAC has a tendency to detect things like that and get confused. Or is it just executing console commands?
when i open its says CS:GO installation not found, what i should do next? even when i press OK it says select path but still no luck, i go to csgo location but it stills says same thing that installation not found
Fhritp Can I actually play the game against people or just see the guns and can I get camos and Will It download anything on my phone beside the program?
Well, i tried for like 15mins to get the program working, but it always showed the same error, zip or mo zip. Wtf am i supposed to do? Does it not work with windows8? Am I stupid? And, when it fails it seems i cant delete the file. Btw the error is the same as Alex had. Please answer, looks like an awesome program and i will tell my friends to get it. Thanks in beforehand.
well it says: cannot find C:\Users\TorEspen\Desktop\CSGO Mobile Server.exe. controll that you wrote the name correctly. try again. BTW cant put photo here
after i set up csgo automatically and start the server, i check the ip adress and port on the phone, everything is well set up, but when i try to connect it connects aproximatively 1 minute and then says Error Could not connect to PC everytime. what is wrong with it?
It is a good game
Хорошая игра
Is it for any device or no because I want it really bad plz respond
Any Android or IOS device along with a Windows PC
Well it don’t work:p
Every time i open the “csgo mobile server.exe” app it always says “Windows cannot find, ‘C:\users\alex\appdata\local\temp\temp1_CSGO-Mobile-Server-v1.zip\CSGO Mobile Server.exe’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
what do i do??
Make sure you unzip the exe before running it.
It is very cool
It is very good Game
one thing I just want to check is: does this get past VAC? Because, although it isn’t cheating, VAC has a tendency to detect things like that and get confused. Or is it just executing console commands?
The program uses Auto Hotkey to send keypress events to CS:GO, Auto Hotkey has not been known to cause bans http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1906399
thanks for confirming this, it’s a clever, innovative idea and I would love to see more apps like this that integrate fully with csgo while ingame
How it works? Like a script, config or how?
It uses a dynamic script to buy items
Can it be VAC banned
See previous reply
There is a version for mac OS X?
Sadly not, sorry
Please create a way to use it with the newest OS X
By the way, nice app!!!
What about a Samsung Galaxy core prime
It will work on any android device from the last 3-4 years
when i open its says CS:GO installation not found, what i should do next? even when i press OK it says select path but still no luck, i go to csgo location but it stills says same thing that installation not found
It is looking for the directory with csgo.exe, make sure this is the directory you select
but thats the problem it doesnt show me .exe files just shows the folders
Go and look in Windows Explorer first and check where the exe is
plz make for mobile cause it willbe so fun
It is only on mobile.
Fhritp Can I actually play the game against people or just see the guns and can I get camos and Will It download anything on my phone beside the program?
You can play the game just as you normally would, watch the demo video
when I go to the game through the app shows the entrance to a mistake in the game
What mistake?
T9 error
It works on non steam ?
It should do, yes
Can this get you banned in competitive?
No, see my previous replies to this question for more details
Well, i tried for like 15mins to get the program working, but it always showed the same error, zip or mo zip. Wtf am i supposed to do? Does it not work with windows8? Am I stupid? And, when it fails it seems i cant delete the file. Btw the error is the same as Alex had. Please answer, looks like an awesome program and i will tell my friends to get it. Thanks in beforehand.
What does the error say if you run it after you unzipped it? Send a screenshot if you can
well it says: cannot find C:\Users\TorEspen\Desktop\CSGO Mobile Server.exe. controll that you wrote the name correctly. try again. BTW cant put photo here
Oh, and thanks for a suprisingly fast reply!
after i set up csgo automatically and start the server, i check the ip adress and port on the phone, everything is well set up, but when i try to connect it connects aproximatively 1 minute and then says Error Could not connect to PC everytime. what is wrong with it?
Make sure your pc and phone are on the same WiFi, and that your firewall isn’t blocking the server.
I don’t have a pc will it still work?
How can you play CS:GO without a PC?
You sure I won’t get vacbanned? Or something?
The program uses Auto Hotkey to send keypress events to CS:GO, Auto Hotkey has not been known to cause bans http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1906399
Kkkk lixo
Please help me what do I type in I cant read the video it to small
View it on your PC here: jordanpeck.me/csgomobilesetup
Did you follow the video?
Do I need a computer?
How are you playing CS:GO without a computer?
Hi Jordan, I downloaded the server.exe but it says it cant find my csgo installation where do I find it?
It should be in your steam installed games “Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo”
THanks man it is making it easy
This is great