Tagged: Unity

Top Down Shooter - Jordan Peck.mp4_snapshot_01.12_[2015.11.07_01.33.52] 0

Top Down Shooter

Top Down Shooter is a fun concept game which I made over a weekend. Up to 4 players, local or online, play together to survive in an arena against a continuous stream of enemies....

Hex Terrain Demo3 1

Hex Terrain Demo

I started this project to learn Unity and is my first real attempt at 3D game programming. It features a basic procedurally generated terrain made up of hexagonal beams and some simple AI who...

Hexplorer2 0


Hexplorer is a voxel based game using hexagonal blocks to create the world. Terrain is created procedurally as the player walks around the environment from a random seed. The world size is technically infinite...

VoxelPlanet2 6

Voxel Planet

Voxel Planet is a new take on the Minecraft (voxel) style world, the aim of this project was to demonstrate the possibility of using blocks to create a spherical planet. Voxel Planet is created...